WD Elements SE not connecting to my TV

I just purchased a WD Elements SE 750GB and it came formatted to be used on a PC. When plugged to my MacBook I could only read and not write in the drive.

So I changed the partition for the GUID partition table, since I have an Intel based Mac, with Snow Leopard 10.6.

Now I can do everything with the Mac but… when I plugged in my TV Samsung USB the WD is not recognized! How can I copy what I have in my Mac and watch in my TV?

PS: I used to have a My Passport Essential SE 750GB that I could do exactly what I’m trying to do with this new one, with no problems. Used to connect to the Mac, the PC and the TV with no problems. But… I dropped on the floor and it could not be recognized anymore in any of the devices (PC, Mac nor TV…). I just changed and bought the WD Elements SE because the guy on the store told me it doesn’t come with that annoying WD Smartware that I hate.

Is that possible with my new WD Elements SE?

Thank you very much for any help or insight :slight_smile:


Yes, it is possible.

Take the drive an plug it back to the Mac computer.

Note: Re-partition the drive will erase all data. Please back up first.

Go to Disk Utility.

Choose the “Partition”

Under “Options” choose “Master Boot Record”

Under Format " choose “MS-DOS (FAT)”

click “Apply” and “Partition”

The drive is now Formatted with Master Boot Record and can be read from your TV.

You can also read and write to it from Mac computer.

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