WD Elements SE 500gb no longer connecting to tv

I have reformatted my elements SE using the quick format as my hard drive would freeze and turn my tv on and off when I looked at a particular folder for too long (thought it was a virus). Now after I re- formatted it, it does it after 5 seconds regardless. What do I need to do so it works on my tv again?


try running a diagnostic on the drive using WD DLG to determine its health

Just as a troubleshooting step you can try with another drive and if you have the same issue then you know its the TV and not the elements that’s causing this issue.

I did the test and it passed, I tested my sisters hard drive and a couple of other usb sticks and they all worked fine in the tv, just my elements doesnt. Is there a program i need to download onto it or another format option i can use?