WD Elements Portable (WDBU6Y0015BBK) working with Windows Backup on Windows Server 2008 R2?

I would like to know if WD Elements Portable (WDBU6Y0015BBK) is working with Windows Backup of Windows Server 2008 R2. This version of windows backup does not support 4k native sectors but I was not able to find any technical information about the sector sizes of this HDD model.

Hello and welcome to the community,

Please note that Windows Server is not on the list of supported OS for the WD Elements. This does not mean it is not going to work, it just means we cannot guarantee that it will perform correctly.

For a list of supported OS click on the link below:


Hello Hamlet,

thanks for your response. But is there actually a chance to get some more technical information to this HDD regarding the sector size? As I already stated above I wasn’t able to figure this out.

So if this HDD uses 4k sectors, does it emulates 512bytes sectors or is it a 4k native?

Thanks in advance