WD Drive split into two drives after partition

I went to reset the partition on my computer, but forgot to unplug My Passport out of my computer. This erased all of my data and for whatever reason split the drive into two seperate drives.

How would I return it to factory settings, having my computer recognize it as “My passport” instead of Drive F and G?

Thanks in advance.

There’s no return to factory settings in the drive.

If you want to have just one partition as before, you can reformat the unit.

If you want to recover the files you can search for a data recovery software.

How to partition and format a WD drive on Windows (8, 7, Vista, XP) and Mac OSX


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Thank you! Unfortuantely it’s too late to recover the data. I tried using a program but it didn’t work, and it wasn’t important enough to consider paying to have it extracted. 

Have a good one!

Sympathize with this story. I am ready to give up ever using external hard-drives as I get them to backup my data and store photos. This time I made the mistake of moving photo files onto the WD passport off my Mac and did not save them elsewhere so in same situaiton - my passport refused to eject and I forced eject, now partition is damaged and my photos gone :frowning:  it’s heartbreaking. I spent hours to format the drive for MAC in the first place and hours again now trying to find a solution to this. I think in future I need to deal only with Apple products.