Wd blue 3d nand ssd causing bsod whea_uncorrectable_error (124)

I began receiving this error frequently in Windows 10 Pro 22H2 over the past week. I used Acronis to restore an older image (20H1) to the drive and still get same error. I put the same image onto an old spinning platter HDD and it works without errors. I made a backup of my SSD and put it onto the spinning disk…again no errors. Neither image works on the SSD for more than 5 minutes without the BSOD. I have narrowed it down to the SSD and would like to re-flash the firmware but have no file to flash it from. Dashboard indicates that the drive is in good working order with 99% life left in it and indicates the firmware is up to date. Even so, it has failed after 1 year in service and replacing the drive resolves the issue. Is there a firmware file for this drive that I might try to restore it to working condition? Dashboard gives it all green, even the S.M.A.R.T, but the drive has become unstable and unusable for more than 5 minutes. Drive temp is 32C not a heat issue.

HI @umopapisdn,

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

To provide more specific advice, I would need to know the make and model of the SSD that is giving you the BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) errors on Windows 10. Most SSD manufacturers provide firmware update utilities and firmware files on their website for download if a firmware update is needed for a particular model.

Some general steps you can try:

  1. Identify the make/model of the SSD from the disk management utility in Windows or from the manufacturer’s software utility if installed.
  2. Go to the manufacturer’s website (e.g. Samsung, Crucial, Intel, etc.) and see if there is a firmware update available for that specific model.
  3. Download the firmware updater tool and the firmware binary file from the manufacturer if available.
  4. Follow the instructions from the manufacturer to create a bootable USB drive and run the firmware update utility to flash the new firmware onto the SSD.

Updating the firmware can sometimes resolve issues with SSDs. However, if the firmware is already up-to-date per the manufacturer, or if flashing new firmware does not fix the BSOD errors, it likely indicates a hardware failure that requires replacing the SSD.

Let me know the make and model, and I can try to point you to the right firmware updater if one is available for that drive.