VIdeo Composite PAL - NTSC (VIdeo Out of Sync)

Hello i am from argentina and i need to use the WDTV Live on a CRT tv and the composite is the only input. When i connect the WDTV on the tv the screen is all messed up, like is out of sync. I cant get a clear image. When i connect the WDTV on an LCD via HDMI the image is perfect, but i cant get it work with composite.

I set up the Video in composite in PAL and in NTSC and neither one or the other works. In the tv the image goes form ntsc to pal switching all the time alone.

When i connect a DVD player the tv works great!.

Can you help me?.


Try this:   When you’re connected to your CRT, use a paperclip to hold the RESET button in for MORE THAN 10 Seconds.

Also ensure that you are plugged into the AV output on the WDTV and not the component. The outputs are right next to each other and its an easy mistake to make.

I already try what you tell me to do. I reset for more than 10 seconds connected to my CRT TV with a paperclip and i am shure that is connected in AV composite.

I will try to make a video with the problem and post it here.

¿Is there anything else i can try?.


Include on your video some close-ups of the cable connections.