v2.3 released: WDTVHubGen - Looks up Movies, TV Shows and creates XML for the Hub

I will send the names.  I think that what might be happening is that it is timing out (slow internet) and then skips the file or files then will not allow them to processed again (even though they actually have not been processed or renamed).

This has happened several times, in several different seasons, in the course of the day.  The file names that I have are clean without the “garbage” that the uploader adds to the file.


Eureka.S04E08-The Ex-files

CSI Crime Scene Investigation.S11E10

Detroit 1-8-7.S01E02-Local Hero Overboard (most of the season of this one is not working)

These are a few of them

It just seems like if the files go through the process once it will not allow them to go through it again, even if it missed some.  I know that if there is an xml file for the episode that it will mark it as processed.

anyway I hope this makes sense and/or helps.


Ok, i processed all of those files (except 1-8-7) correctly.  I am working on a new version and it just maybe that I have fixed it already in that version. the 1-8-7 didn’t process becuase it had a \ in the episode name, i fixed that processing problem and it worked just fine.

I’ll continue working on this version and post as soon as I finish.

Cool Jeff just take your time there is no rush!!

v1.0.7 released: WDTVHubGen - Looks up Movies, TV Shows and creates XML for the Hub 

Version 1.0.7 (wdtvhubgen.codeplex.com) this uses V4.0 of .net  ( download here)

MOST RECENT VERSION: Version 1.0.7 - Added recursive directory handling, improved season/episode handling, adding substitutions (for things like **bleep** my dad says or $#*! my dad says), added an options tab so no more editing the .config file, improved error handling, fixed minor bugs, improved status reporting while running.

Great thanks Jeff.  I will try it all out tonight.

Thanks again,


I am having the same problem as early versions, WDTVHubGen has stopped working

Ok, i rebuilt it and reuploaded it. not sure why that is necessary sometimes.  I noticed on my test computer that it didnt’ load on first double click.  but it did on the second. weird. and then it loaded 2 :slight_smile:

remember, download the whole zip. unzip someplace and doubleclick on the .exe file.


tried redowloading 2 different times and restarting numerous times , still no luck

Hi, I a question about file renaming: for many tv shows, I have SRT subtitles following the name convention episodename.EN.srt – i.e. whatever the episode name is, then a two-character language code, then the sub’s extension, which is usually .SRT. The language code is important, and I use two languages, and this syntax is fully recognized by the Live Hub and many other players.

When using WDTVHubGen and processing episodes, it renames my files (I use the “series name 1x01 - episode name.ext” convention, which WDTVHubGen renames to “series name [1x01] episode name.ext”.

Problem is, it doesn’t rename the matching .SRT files.

So, is either of the following possible :

a) prevent WDTVHubGen from renaming files at all ? (would be OK for me, I use MetaBrowser for metadata);


b) make WDTVHubGen rename the .SRT files too ?

Thx for any help you can provide.


I will PM you and we can figure out why this isn’t working for you.  Can you tell me what version of windows, 32 or 64bit, etc?




I think adding srt support is a cool idea. Does the Hub expect the srt files to be in teh exact same naming scheme as the movie file names? if so, easy to add, if they need to be in some other format then I will have to research it a bit more.

thanks for the idea.

ps. if you use metabrowser for metadata, then why use my tool at all? just curious.  thanks.

Just wanted to thank you for the tool… But wanted to also add a couple feature requests:

1 - Control file naming… I prefer the typical “series.name.sXXeXX.whatever_else.ext” format, so it would be great it the file naming format could be controlled. I guess how the XML Fetcher does it…?

2 - Option to control the format of the Title tag used in the generated XML file. Again, another “user preference” feature.

Also, maybe want to have an option to save out a debug log for those of us that experience an occasional crash/unhandled exception. Might help you diagnose the issue?

Other than that - the software definitely makes it easy to gather all the data to make the Life Hub browsing experience a little more user friendly.

**edit - just noticed the log in temp, but it doesn’t seem detailed/thorough (stack traces, etc…), so maybe an advanced/detailed log which tracks everything… Anyway, that would be just if you’d need it (I usually do if I’m working on/developing a program).

I was able to get the program to crash when I attempted to right-click and retrieve a title with the following format: “series.name.s01e00.whatever.ext”  - Not sure if the episode 00 may be the cause? I will try again with other files to see if it can be duplicated.

mjpcomp wrote:

Just wanted to thank you for the tool… But wanted to also add a couple feature requests:


1 - Control file naming… I prefer the typical “series.name.sXXeXX.whatever_else.ext” format, so it would be great it the file naming format could be controlled. I guess how the XML Fetcher does it…?

2 - Option to control the format of the Title tag used in the generated XML file. Again, another “user preference” feature.


Also, maybe want to have an option to save out a debug log for those of us that experience an occasional crash/unhandled exception. Might help you diagnose the issue?


Other than that - the software definitely makes it easy to gather all the data to make the Life Hub browsing experience a little more user friendly.

Great Ideas.  I have been asked several times for a “format” feature.  I think  I will try to keep it really simple to start by offering a variety of “predefined” outputs.   So, I’m asking everyone for their favorite ways they want the titles and the file names?

Here are the ones I like so far:


Title - Year

Title - Year - Rating


Show (Year) [SxE] Title

Show SxE Title

Show - SxE - Title

Show SE Title

Title SE

or I can use a “template based approach”, if I use that approach, what kinds of data would you like Templatized

some examples:  S - season  E - episode  T - Title  Y- Year  R - show/series

ON your last suggestion, that is already a part of the application, in the options tab, if you choose verbose errors, an error log is created in c:\temp\ApplicationLog.log (it gets very big very quickly)  I will be adding a new way to log in v8 so look for that (basically adding 3 levels,  None, Errors Only, Full Logging

Thanks, keep the great suggestions coming.

Wow - that was a quick reply :slight_smile:

The template-based naming might be the most flexible for users - you can include a few predefined (and make sure we’re allowed to modify those as well). But the items you have seem to be the most commonly used, so they’d be perfect…

A couple things though (similar to the XML fetcher):

allow for dot separated, underscore separated, and space separate texts (based on how the templating is used), example:

.R = dot-separate proper cased title, .r = dot separated lower cased title, _R = underscore separated proper case, and so on…

For actual “.” either use . or …, and same for underscores…

I guess this would be almost doing regexp (for advanced people), but keep it simple enough for everyone to use.

Also, how about a “match current file naming” option? If we already have our files organized and named the way we want, maybe make the XML/JPG files match what’s already there? Since the current file names are used/detected in order to find the program information, you should be able to read that filename as well and just match it.

As for the logging, multiple levels would definitely be great!

@mjpcomp, that is good feedback, I’ll start working on something now.  that will probably take a few minutes to put together


ok, so I have a movie in a folder (all by itself) and it is a dvd rip, so the folder contains a bunch of video_ts files and VTS_01 files and such.  just found out how to turn on metadata for it (Thanks TonyPH for all of your help, you rock!) and so I will add that to my feature list soon.

question: is that how people have those stored?

if you ahve one folder per movie, do you typically call the movie the same thing as the folder? there is no way (that I know of) to put metadata on a folder. so your folders would have pictures, but you would still need to navigate down into them to “run” the movie.  so I guess you would want the metadata there and the picture too as well as a folder.  trying to understand what people want in one of these systems.



What I use is one movie per folder… The folder is the name of the movie (proper name - easier to identify), while the actual video files may or may not have proper naming…


\Movies\My Movie Title\this_movie.avi

\Movies\Another Movie\look_at_me.avi

And so on…

I believe there’s a feature request to allow a single XML for a root structure, so if that ever gets implemented, I guess we won’t need to drill all the way in to folders. But I don’t know if there’d be enough memory to handle it, especially with the size of some people’s multimedia libraries (could be giant XML files).

Anyway, can’t wait to see the next version!

good info. so you would like to program to use the folder name as the way it looks up the file name, leave that folder name alone and put the appropriate xml and folder.jpg and movie.jpg in the folder?

i’m not sure how I would mix that with the other way… hmmm. much thought.

Quick question, again, not sure why you requested it, just trying to understand.

you said:

mjpcomp wrote:


A couple things though (similar to the XML fetcher):

allow for dot separated, underscore separated, and space separate texts (based on how the templating is used), example:


.R = dot-separate proper cased title, .r = dot separated lower cased title, _R = underscore separated proper case, and so on…


For actual “.” either use . or …, and same for underscores…

and I’m curious why you would want .dotted and _ seperated words? the hub and windows support spacing, is there a different reason?



The Roggy

A few more questions:

working on v1.0.8 now, this version will be the most ambitious, I’m wanting to include srt/subtitle support. and I’m looking for suggestions on where to go and get that information, and what to do with it… (meaning, does a moviename.srt work, and what if you have multiple languages…?)  is there  repository of them I can download? 

the template idea, many have asked, do you know of any good design patterns for that, I guess I could just use string substitution, but this feels like one of those cool opportunities to learn a new way of coding (thinking factories, or maybe using a generic formatter)

as I work on this version, I think I’m goign to transition to a subversion or similar code repository and open this baby up for development.  any suggestions, you mentioned subversion before, but is that hosted somewhere or do I need to host it myself?

the_roggy wrote:

Looks great!


As discussed before, if you don’t mind sharing the code please make a project page for it on eg. code.google.com . Then you have immediately a bug-tracker, source control (if you haven’t used subversion yet, I don’t have a lot of experience with it either but I put two small project there a few weeks ago and I love tortoiseSVN to retrieve the code, check in/out,… works great!),…



Some feature requests after first quick check (in order of importance):

  • Search movies recursive through the subdirectories (no rocket science, but I have the code for this, it is available in the project I linked to above, so you can take the code there, of I can give it, or I can build it in…) 
  • In the list, a right-click/“Explore file path” would be practical to go immediately to the colder containing the movie.TV show) 
  • Documentation on how to name your movie/TV show files to have the best search results
  • A screen to choose the settings in the config file would make it easier to use the tool…
  • Automatic fetching of subtitles
  • Would be nice to be able to choose the language in which the meta-data is fetched…
  • Rename movies automatically using a standard (or configurable) naming convention + each movie in seperate folder or not) 
  • A trailer for a TV show would be nice (I think I have some code lying around for that as well) 
  • … inpiration comes with using a tool ;-)…


And, as mentioned before, I don’t mind contributing… your tool is a lot more advanced than mine at the moment, so it’s better to combine efforts starting from the most advanced code base…

NoSlack913 wrote:

@mjpcomp, that is good feedback, I’ll start working on something now.  that will probably take a few minutes to put together



ok, so I have a movie in a folder (all by itself) and it is a dvd rip, so the folder contains a bunch of video_ts files and VTS_01 files and such.  just found out how to turn on metadata for it (Thanks TonyPH for all of your help, you rock!) and so I will add that to my feature list soon.


question: is that how people have those stored?

if you ahve one folder per movie, do you typically call the movie the same thing as the folder? there is no way (that I know of) to put metadata on a folder. so your folders would have pictures, but you would still need to navigate down into them to “run” the movie.  so I guess you would want the metadata there and the picture too as well as a folder.  trying to understand what people want in one of these systems.





I have my movies in one dir I find it a pain and sloppy to have to navigate into a dir in order to see the meta data for that movie.  I know people have asked for folder support but WD has not given it to us as of yet, so until they do I would like to keep my movies this way.  Maybe all the time, it is not that bad. :smiley: