v2.3 released: WDTVHubGen - Looks up Movies, TV Shows and creates XML for the Hub

It seems that I got it to work. I was able to make changes in hi-lighted area in image above and they stuck.

I had to run as Administrator to do this but it worked.

Now I need to find the correct strings to use. Is there a list somewhere?

all of the different patterns are at the bottom of the screen on the options screen. which you click in it.

OK so what you see there is what is available? Got it.

So it is limited to, at most …

[%SeriesName%] [%SeasonNumber%]x[%EpisodeNumber%] - [%EpisodeName%]

OK so new issue …

It seems that the strings in WDTVHubGen for ACTORS is not proper therefore does not show when viewing on the WDTV.

The XML layout reads

    real name
    TV name

While the internal scraper produces this XML string that reads fine

actor1 real name/actor2 real name/actor3 real name

is anyone that is using 2.1.6. getting the wrong thumbnail image generating? It seems to retain the same thumbnail as an earlier scanned film. I.e. It incorrectly scanned “Hours (2013)” as “earth’s Final Hours (2011)”, and then proceeding to save that same image for “Locked In (2010)” and “Lightning Jack (1994)”. It’s done this twice now, and it makes the program unusable.

Any help or feedback is appreciated.

Same to me. But it does not happen everytime. Only in some cases where wdtv can’t find the information, I think.

Another thing is, wdtvhubgen seems to can’t save movie thumbs for some asian movies. Eventhough it can find all the information including the thumb, when I click save, it wont save the thumb (the xml and info is OK)

Mr Go (2013) for example.

SultanBrunei wrote:
Same to me. But it does not happen everytime. Only in some cases where wdtv can’t find the information, I think.

Another thing is, wdtvhubgen seems to can’t save movie thumbs for some asian movies. Eventhough it can find all the information including the thumb, when I click save, it wont save the thumb (the xml and info is OK)

Mr Go (2013) for example.

I’m getting wrong thumbnails every single time I scan 10 or more films. Out of 20 films, I would say 3-4 have the wrong thumbnail. All the xml data is correct though. I’m not sure if the developer/programmer is aware of this issue, as I’m the only person that has mentioned it. I mentioned it on the official website in the review area, so hopefully it gets addressed so I can continue using wdtvHubGen :smiley:

Greetings, I think I have identified this issue and will work toward a fix. the new moviedb outputs a “language” with the thumbnails and I aligned it to the chosen language in options, but that seems to cause challenges like this, so I need to add some logic around when a thumbnail doesn’t exist for the chosen language (which is what is causing this problem).

I’ll clean up some other issues at the same time, like actors and such.  

Thanks for looking this up :slight_smile:

Thanks for the time and effort on this. Glad to see things get fixed.

This is probably the best and simplest program to use for TV shows.

I fully agree with you.

I think i have identified and corrected this issue, but I can’t seem to replicate what you are seeing, can anyone replicate it and then if you can, send me the list of movies (original filenames only) that caused the error and which ones it errored on?  very difficult to trouble shoot if i dont see the error :slight_smile:


WDTV619 wrote:

OK so new issue …

It seems that the strings in WDTVHubGen for ACTORS is not proper therefore does not show when viewing on the WDTV.

The XML layout reads


    real name
    TV name


While the internal scraper produces this XML string that reads fine


actor1 real name/actor2 real name/actor3 real name

Can you provide me with examples where the xml is coming out that way, I can’t seem to replicate, and on both WDLiveHub and WD Live Plus the existing xml seems to be working correctly (it might be backwards compatible).  

Sent PM with example files.

Been a while since any news about this. This project still moving forward?

I have a problem with the runtime format with WDTVHubGen 2.1.6:

“Running Time” - In my options for “Runtime format” I have hours and minutes chosen as my desired preference . However when I do a “Save” of the XML file it saves it in the “minutes” format, and on wd screen it shows only minutes and not hours and minutes !?

Anyone have same problem?

Thanks :wink:

I get the same thing. I have same options and have not been able to notice since shows do not normally run over 60min.

I loaded a movie and it indeed calculated only in minutes reading the XML. I cant however see if the WDTV takes that and turns it into Hours and Minutes as I did not turn on the unit to check but would assume WDTV cant do that in the first place.

WDTV619 wrote:

I get the same thing. I have same options and have not been able to notice since shows do not normally run over 60min.

I loaded a movie and it indeed calculated only in minutes reading the XML. I cant however see if the WDTV takes that and turns it into Hours and Minutes as I did not turn on the unit to check but would assume WDTV cant do that in the first place.

I post an image where we see the Total Time in hours and minutes (screenshot from a movie made by an user in another forum), i will ask him more informations why it is working for him ? :

—sorry. misread your post. ignore.

this is fixed in the newest release v2.2… thanks for pointing it out.  

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