Hi All
If anyone is using a Hauupage TV card succesfully on the Live box, could you let me know if you use the Live remote control to operate it, or the Hauupage one?
Hi All
If anyone is using a Hauupage TV card succesfully on the Live box, could you let me know if you use the Live remote control to operate it, or the Hauupage one?
I can’t see how you would use a card. It requires specific usb hauppage adaptors and the channels etc are controlled by the WD remote.
Well now the Live has the option to use the Nova-T USB TV card I was rather hoping that with the USB Card plugged into the Live box, the Live controller would control so I didnt need a seperate remote controller.
With the USB card plugged into a PC, you control it with the mouse - no remote is needed, and I have been offerd the Nova T USB Card for a good price, but its the one without a dedicated remote control.
You don’t need a hauppage remote as everything you need to do is controlled by the WD remote. I will say that there is not much you can do other than watch TV and record the program you are watching.
I notice that there is a card but I think you may find that its only the stick version that will work.
Excellent news - Thank You .
Ok. Folks
I now have a Nova-T USB TV reciever.
The Live box recognises it and offers me the Live TV menu with all the setup uption including Scan for channels.
However, after scanning it doesn’t find any.
I have changed the region one at a time to all the available regions, but still the Live Box doesn’t find any.
The USB TV stick works fine on both XP and WIn 7 machines
Do I have to download and install special drivers or something?
Any suggestions?
Mark, what kind of antenna or cable serviceis it connected to?
Also - which seems a trifle odd - When choosing the regions, the options languages are all messed up as follows:-
Selecting US Antenna or Cable options are in in English
Selecting Australia for the region the language seems to change to Italian instead of English
Selecting New Zealand the options become French instead of English
Selecting France for the region the options become German.
Eu and United Kingdom are both back to English again.
Is it just on mine that it does this, or can anyone else confirm this to be the case on theirs too.
If not, maybe I have a courrupt download or something.
TonyPh12345 wrote:
Mark, what kind of antenna or cable serviceis it connected to?
Its a standard WD TV Live - lastest version WDBGXT0000NBK
Sorry - You said whats it connected to - Its a standard Hauppage Nova-T Freeview DVB T reciever plugged into my TV aerial.
I’m seeing the language mismatch, too, on the Hauppauge 950Q… Looks like a firmware bug!
Well I have tried rolling back to the previous version, then downloading and installing the latest software and it hasn’t changed anything.
I know the Live box is seeing the USB Tuner as it gives me all the options - region / scan / record etc, but it’s just not finding any channels.
It’s somewhat frustrating, I only bought the the Hauppage Nova-T USB stick as it was listed as the compatable hardware list!
Hmmm. :(. What region do you live in?
I think I may have mentioned that I don’t believe that the player works with your card. I think it needs the stick version.
Do you have the stick
Or the card
Also do you have a good signal on antenna?
My region is United Kingdom, and its the USB stick:-
Signal is fine as its plugged into my rooftop antenna.
The stick works perfectly on a Windows Xp desktop and a Windows 7 laptop, both running the Windows Media Centre software with all the available channels available to watch.
Do you have the dual aerial lead (supplied with the nova) plugged into both sockets on the stick.
You could also try resetting the player to factory defaults via the internal menu.
Thanks for all the input with my problem.
The USB Nova-T I am using only has one antenna imput and that is what I am using.
I have also done a factory reset on the Live box, and that has made no difference.
MarkPainter wrote:
I now have a Nova-T USB TV reciever.
The Live box recognises it and offers me the Live TV menu with all the setup uption including Scan for channels.
However, after scanning it doesn’t find any.
Exactly the same problem here (Austria).
The stick works fine on my PC, with Windows XP and Linux, and according to femon output under Linux the antenna signal quality is just fine (zero block error rate and uncorrected errors). But a channel scan on the WDTV doesn’t find any channels.
I raised an issue a few weeks ago and WD seems to be reviewing it:
I’d suggest you “vote” for this issue and/or comment on it, maybe it’ll get fixed in one of the next firmware updates.
hias42 wrote:
Exactly the same problem here (Austria).
I’d suggest you “vote” for this issue and/or comment on it, maybe it’ll get fixed in one of the next firmware updates.
Done… Thanks for the info.