Use of the HDMI port

I am trying to monitor my WD ReadyView on my TV. When connecting the ReadyView to my TV using the HDMI port, I get the camera monitor screens with an overlay of instructions to install the app. Has anyone made this work or know the purpose of the HDMI port?

You can close this “Wizard” {click Exit} then see your camera live feed(s). You can right-click and change the number of feeds to show (e.g. 4).

With use of the HDMI output is it possible for unit to display on any HDMI capable device or only 4k equipment?

Yes just quit it and the pictures of the cameras should come up. Worked for me.

It works on my various monitors and TVs. What device are you planning to connect?

Attempted to connect to a Sharp brand TV with HDMI input. TV recognizes the connections but no video is displayed. The DVR does provide output on the HDMI out as confirmed with Samsung PC monitor

I recently bought a Viewsonic PC monitor. When I plug the WD Readyview in via HDMI (or DVI), it brings up the Wizard asking me to scan the code and download the app. However, this is just a monitor, there is no ability to to even use a mouse to click out of the Wizard. This notification will not go away and it blocks the cameras.

Is there a way to fix this? I’m also looking into the IE plug in and the iOS app, and there doesn’t seem to be a way to disable the wizard…

You can disable to wizard in the setting. I think it is in the 3 tab from the top. I’m at work and could not remember to tab name.

You have to plug a mouse to your surveillance box and use the mouse to click the exit button.

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yes. no instructions for this system is ridiculous. there are many many more settings available for the system using a mouse and a monitor. not available when using the app.

Wow. I was in a rush and didn’t pay attention. Now I have to go and see what they have to offer. Thanks