Use HTTP:// instead of FTP://

It is really simple to setup and integration is automatic. Note: Use the following at your own risk!

General Monsta FTP Install Steps:

  1. Make sure to enable FTP in the WD My Cloud Dashboard > Settings > Network > Network Services > FTP Access = On.
  2. Next, ensure SSH is on by activating it on the WD My Cloud Dashboard > Settings > Network > Network Services > SSH = On.
  3. Next, using SSH (Putty is a popular SSH terminal program) log into the My Cloud. Note: If you don’t know how to use SSH or even basic Linux commands please perform a Google search to learn how to use SSH and enter basic Linux commands.
  4. Once logged into the My Cloud via SSH, type: cd /var/www/htdocs/
  5. In the /var/www/htdocs/ folder type: mkdir ftp
  6. Next, type: cd ftp
  7. In the /var/www/htdocs/ftp folder type:
  8. Next, type: unzip
  9. Once the file has finished unzipping access the Monsta UI on your My Cloud by using your web browser and going to: http://<mycloudname or ip address>/ftp
  10. On the Monsta FTP UI page, for the “FTP Host” enter your My Cloud name or IP address. Then use your My Cloud User name and password in the Username and Password fields. Then click the Login button and you should be logged into your My Cloud and can use the Monsta FTP UI page to upload files to your My Cloud.

Update 1: Once port forwarding (http port 80) was setup and configured within the router/gateway to forward http port 80 to the My Cloud, I was able to remotely access the Monsta FTP UI at my public IP address (for example http://12.345.678.900/ftp). One word of note when accessing remotely, use the local network name or IP address for the My Cloud in the Monsta FTP UI’s FTP Host field.

Unknown how secure this UI is, in other words are the login information sent as plain text. There is an option on the Monsta FTP UI to “Connect using SSL (if available)” but unknown how this is setup (port forward HTTPS or SSH?) .

Update 2: Removing the Monsta FTP program/UI should be as simple as just deleting the /var/www/htdocs/ftp folder and its contents via SSH. If removing the Monsta FTP program/UI remember to remove the port mappings to the My Cloud within one’s router/gateway as well. Note: Take care when deleting the /var/www/htdocs/ftp folder, make sure to remove ONLY the ftp folder and no others within the /var/www/htdocs/ directory.

Post edited and updated.

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