Usb 3.0 and 2gb plus compatability

Is there any update to having the WD HD TV be

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And if the question that IE9 wouldn’t let you post is whether support for drives greater than 2TB is coming, then the answer appears to be “no”.

The Gen1 was EOL a year ago… there will be no more firmware updates for it.

WD has been silent about the future of the Gen2… it certainly seems as if no further updates can be expected for it, as well.  If I remember correctly, the last update was about a year and a half ago.

Neither device would be able to add USB 3.0 support through firmware.  WD would have to build a whole new Sigma-based player if USB 3.0 support were to be added.

But there’s no need for anything beyond USB 2.0… the sustained transfer rates of USB2.0 already exceed the bitrates the Sigma chips can play… the extra speed of USB 3.0 would be completely wasted.