My configuration is
Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5700 @ 3.00GHz × 2
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
2 2TB WD MyBook Essentials
One has firmware version 1007, the other has version 1012
Is there a way to upgrade my 2TB MyBook firmware with such a configuration?
Hello mate,
I haven’t seen a firmware update for linux system yet.
AFAIK WD Drives and app are not fully compatible with linux
I have 2 WD MyBook 2TB formatted in EXT3 (Linux file system).
I use them for backup with a very smart programm (LuckyBackup)
They are working very nicely and flawlessly.
I can even read the version number of the microcode with standard linux tools.
In my opinion these drives are fully compatible with Linux.
I wonder why a Microsoft program is needed to push a firmware update over an USB link.
And as there is an Apple version, why not a Linux one : MacOS X is just an Unix, as Linux is.
Another point I missed in my post :
When connecting for the first time such a drive, under Linux it appears magically without all the fuss of
“New hardware detected” … wait wait wait
“Looking for drivers” … wait again
and if you are lucky it ends by " New hardware ready" .
So I repeat : Linux is more compatible with these drives than Microsoft…
the drive is fully compatible with Linux
January 10, 2013, 1:33am
Linux is not a supported OS on these drives. I wouldn’t worry about doing the firmware update unless you are having problems with the drive. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it!
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Just one point about your post :
A disc drive is a piece of hardware which is inherently not linked to any OS.
Second point : if there is an update in the microcode there must be a reason…
Hence my request to get the latest microcode…
As usual, the hardware providers are windows-minded and I wonder how muche they are paid for this…