Unlocker does not unlock My Passport Ultra 1 TB

It had been working great for many months with Windows 10. After every reboot or start, I would manually unlock the drive to allow backups.

Now, when I manually unlock the drive, I get no errors, it says the drive is unlocked, but no drive is showing in Windows Explorer. The backup software does not see it.

I have disabled my AV software, have shut down the computer, unplugged the drive, restarted again, then connect the drive, but still the same problem.

Any help is appreciated.

Hi, netmarketer,

Well, try to check the drive under Diskmanagemt “DISKMGMT.MSC” it will show us there if it is getting detected or if you still not seeing the drive on the disk management then you should try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this.

To Contact WD for Technical Support

The virtual drive created by Unlocker (F) is seen in Disk Management. The actual drive (G), with the data, is also seen.

The utility tests show the drive is healthy.

The issue, it seems to me, is Unlocker failed to open the drive. Is there a way to bypass it?

I have tried a few data recovery applications but none can get by the virtual drive.

Any update on this?

I’m having the same issue. The Unlocker is seen and works, but there is no drive showing up. I have the drive formatted in HFS+ (using Paragon on Windows 10). In OSX the drive is reckognized and working.

I believe it started with the latest update of Windows 10.

The last tech call suggested that I contact a data recovery company. Even though everything looked healthy, apparently the external hard drive had crashed.

I purchased the EaseUS Data Recovery application and have been able to recover my important files. It is very time consuming as most files are not in their folders, but lumped together in one folder.

EaseUS has a trial offer where you can actually see the results of the scan. If you can see your files, you can recover them.

Good luck.