Unable to upload video files larger than 4gb to drive via "My Cloud"

Hi All,

I’m a noob when it comes to understanding the technical details of file transfer but I do know that a typical file transfer does not work when trying to transfer to a FAT32 vs a NTFS. I’m seeing an error when I’m transferring large files:

Coudl this be due to the disk format? I can’t transfer the file through my cloud at all. Will the upgrade to twonky actually fix it? What can I do to fix this?




The mobile app depends on WebDAV.    WebDAV on Windows is limitted to less than 2GB (4 GB in some cases that are unknown to me).

I don’t think Mac has such a limit.

Is there anyway to get around WebDAV on Windows? Maybe perhaps some sort of regedit key?

Nope… not when you’re remote.

If there were, I’m sure the app would do it, since the java applet that runs as part of the Cloud already edits the registry, because the default limitation in Windows is only 50M.   The program updates the registry to all 4G.

Would you define remote if you’re on LAN still?

wdnoobie wrote:

Would you define remote if you’re on LAN still?

No, but If you’re on LAN, then why would you use the My Cloud app?

I’m using the my cloud app because I thought that was the only way to transfer to the HD. Is there another way?

Actually, I found a different way of uploading a file larger than 4gb (1080p video files/movies):

  1. Download an FTP client

  2. Connect to your WD hard drive via ip address (found in the my cloud app or via your router)

  3. Drag and drop your files.


wdnoobie wrote:

I’m using the my cloud app because I thought that was the only way to transfer to the HD. Is there another way?

Well, yeah, you map it as a network drive.   

Be aware, FTP is not a secure protocol. Can be hack VERY easily. It will all depend on your needs. Usually not a problem if within the same LAN.

If need security, use SCP/SFTP which runs over SSH.