Unable to read drive when plugged into my computer?

When I unplug the Seagate external drive from WD TV Live HD Media Player and attempt to plug it into my computer I get a message that I need to “format” the drive to access it. What’s happening,  I should be able to access my drive from any computer or WD TV device at ant time. This **bleep** since now with the firmware updates moving files doesn’t work efficiently.

Did you safely remove the drive from the WD TV Live?  You have to do so before disconnecting the drive from your WD TV Live device, or you can corrupt the data on the drive.

Can you tell me the model name or number of the drive?

How do I safely remove the drive? They is no area in the menu or settings to remove drive. Do I simply turn off the WD TV Live Media Player prior to removing the drive.

Seagate FreeAgent  DEsk 1.54T

retiredfella wrote:

How do I safely remove the drive? They is no area in the menu or settings to remove drive. Do I simply turn off the WD TV Live Media Player prior to removing the drive.

You press EJECT on the remote.

Thx, I’ll give that a try.