Unable to play video directly from MBL


I’ve just installed the drive on my local network, and I believe that it should be setup as it’s supposed to.

BUT, something seems to not be working!

I have transfered some videos to the drive, that went just fine. But then when i try to open and play the video on my laptop(the video file is located on the MBL-drive), VLC-player returns with an error. And is unable to play the video. If I transfer the video from the MBL to my desktop, and then tries to play the video, it works perfectly fine. So the video file is not the problem.

Can you please help me with this problem?

Hi Shiva-Urup, what error message are you getting, and are you trying to play the files directly from a shared folder or are you using the My Book Live media server? 

I’m trying to open the file directly from a shared folder. The My Book Live Media Server is not working either. Have not tried with *.avi files I almost only have *.mvk files. So didn’t bother trying a AVI file.

I’m getting this error from VLC:

Your input can’t be opened:

VLC is unable to open the MRL 'file:///X:/some_movie.mkv

I’ve added the shared folder as a network drive (X:)

What does it say in the VLC logs?

This is what shows up in the VLC log:

filesystem error: failed to read (Invalid argument)

main error: open of `file:///X:/some_movie.mkv

Don’t know what to get from that?

try opening the file with a different media player (like widnows media player).  You need to isolate the problem;; if it is VLC or MBL, etc.

Well, windows media player opens and plays the movie just fine.

Then the problem is with VLC, but only when playing movies from the MBL.

Then I have one more problem; I’m using UMS(Universal Media Server) on my laptop, and have added the MBL drive to this server, i can’t see any of the files on the MBL drive, even some of the folders are not showing, when accessing the UMS via my TV. 

It works just fine with the movies on my laptop drive, so I still think that something is not right with the drive?

Does no one know why I am having trouble reading files from the MBL drive?

Windows Media Player is able to do it, however VLC isn’t.

I’m on top of that getting this error in my media server (UMS):

Can’t read files from directory: X:

So that also is having trouble reading the files from the MBL.
And I have tried to setup a network drive on another computer on the LAN, and no problem viewing those movies with both VLC or UMS. 

So I do have a problem with the MBL, but can’t figure out what. Somebody have a good idea?