Unable to Load Firmware via USB?

Just bought the WD live and am having problems but that is for another post down the line…

I want to upgrade the firmware before connecting to my network. I downloaded it, placed it on a recognizable USB Flash Drive. I go to HOME | SETTINGS | SYSTEM SETTINGS | and the I select “update device” and the only option I am offered is to connect to the internet to update the firmware. I have no internet connection yet so this of course fails.

I read the manual online and it says to choose "HOME | SETTINGS| and you should see “FIRMWARE UPDATE FOUND”, which does not come up. I have downloaded the ZIP file and extracted all three files as the WDC download center instructed and I left both the zip and unziped files there. Still nothing.

Anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!


try this:

unplug power

insert the usb stick with the firmware files and notjhing else on it at root level, so not in any folder.

Dont have any other devices connected. Plug in power.

Device boots, and you should see a message saying something like found new firmware version,

Press enter on the remote, could be that you have to confirm again to update, cant remember.

Than the device reboots into upgrade mode, you will see a progress bar. Wait until device reboots again.

Then you should be done.

Most important be patient, while flashing firmware !!!

It might take quite some time.

And if the screen turns black suddenly thats ok because the device is rebooting.

Hope that helps.