Unable to connect WD cloud device through wireless network and also through other network

I am unable to connect to my WD Cloud Hard disc. Not sure how can I do this.

More information is needed. What operating system are you using? How is the computer and My Cloud connected to the local network? Are you trying access remotely (offsite)? Have you tried using Windows File Explorer or Macintosh Finder? Have you tried using any of the WD programs or apps? Have you read the My Cloud User Manual (http://www.wdc.com/wdproducts/library/?id=439&type=25)? What do the indicator lights on both the font and the back of the My Cloud indicate, what color(s) are they?

What operating system are you using?
Windows 7.

How is the computer and My Cloud connected to the local network?
Over my wifi router… How do I check if ‘My Cloud’ is connected to my router…

Are you trying access remotely (offsite)?
I am trying to access over the same network using wifi as well as offsite… from far location…using other internet connection.

Have you tried using Windows File Explorer or Macintosh Finder?
No… The WD cloud app on my laptop just does not connect so cant access my files. I have connected my wifi router and the WD my cloud with the cable provided.

Have you tried using any of the WD programs or apps?
Which program? I have installed the WD program for My cloud Desktop App available on http://setup.wd2go.com/?mod=download&device=mc

Have you read the My Cloud User Manual (WD Documentation)?

What do the indicator lights on both the font and the back of the My Cloud indicate, what color(s) are they?
Front is Blue and back is orange and green blinking…

Check this out, My Cloud │ How it Works.

You can visit The Learning Center too and watch the videos.