Tv shows multiple backdrop folders

I thought that the problem with multiple backdropfolders for tv shows was solved? When I “get content info” for like Breaking Bad, both a .Breacking Bad.backdrop folder and a backdropfolder for each episode is created, with duplicate image files in each folder. Wasnt it fixed to only downloading one main backdrop folder used by all episodes from a season? I use firmware 1.15.10.

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martinboy wrote:

I thought that the problem with multiple backdropfolders for tv shows was solved? When I “get content info” for like Breaking Bad, both a .Breacking Bad.backdrop folder and a backdropfolder for each episode is created, with duplicate image files in each folder. Wasnt it fixed to only downloading one main backdrop folder used by all episodes from a season? I use firmware 1.15.10.

I don’t ever remember it being “Fixed.”   IIRC, there was one version (can’t remember which) quite a while back that did not do this, but other portions of the metadata-collection & backdrops were broken, so the version was useless for backdrop usage.

Mine doesn’t create a folder “.Breaking Bad.backdrop”  … ALL of my folders are tagged with Season/Episode numbers.

Let me give you an example. I have a Breaking Bad folder and in that folder i have a folder for each season and in each season folder i have all that seasons episodes.

Breaking Bad (folder)
-season 1 (subfolder)
episode 1.mkv
episode 2.mkv
.Breaking Bad.backdrop (hidden folder)
.episode 1.backdrop (hidden folder)
.episode 2.backdrop (hidden folder)

Each episode backdrop folder contains the same image files as the main series backdrop folder. That means a lot of dublicate files that takes up a lot of space if you have a lot of series with many episodes.

Yes, I agree with all that…  I’m just saying that I don’t think it was ever “fixed.”   In other words, I don’t think this is a new bug – but I do agree with you that it is a waste of space.