Trying to unbrick WD TV HD LIVE

I’ve had a “semi bricked” unit lying here for while.  It was bricked with the famous .12 firmware update.

Get the update with usb drive screen on the TV.

I am able to communicate with the unit, using a serial connection to the PCB.  There I see almost all of the startup process, that ends with a corrupt file message.

I can enter YAMON by pressing 0 (zeros) at the startup.    In the old type of WD TV I know there are an hex adress containing OKOK for the status of the firmware.  Suspect the WD TV HD LIVE has a similar status in YAMON.

Does anyone have further details about this?

If  we are able to delete the OKOK, I suspect an automatic firmware upgrade will be possible.

I suspect you’ll get a faster response from the homebrew scene.

The most active member of WD staff here is not tech support.  

The other WD staff who do deal with technical queries rarely post because they’re insanely busy with the thankless task that is the firmware.

Try reposting this at

The “Nitty Gritty” sub-forum seems an appropriate place to start.  Good luck.  :)

Thanks for the advice :smiley: