Trying to partition My Passport 4T - It's taking forever

Bought the drive many months ago. Now I’m trying to partition the drive (adding 1 partition) using Disk Utility. The process seems to be progressing, then it hits a step call “Resizing”. And there it sits. It’s been 2+ hours now. Normal or no?


Hello mattsh,

I would suggest you to format the drive using WD Drive Utilities and then try to partition the drive on your Mac computer.

Apparently you cannot, or should not partition their portable drives. Per- ID 8200 - “Western Digital does not recommend multiple partitions due to potential corruption of the Partition table. The partition table is used to display each partition within the Operating System and if this becomes corrupted it will lead to data loss. Please contact Microsoft or Apple for more support”. I contacted WD by email, and got prompt, polite, unintelligible answers.