Thumbnail caching crashes WDTV Live

Hello everybody,

I’m a “happy” user of the WDTV Live since last week (and hopefully at least a bit longer) but while building up my DVD collection on my NAS,  I ran into an issue with the caching of thumbnails.

First for explanation - here is the workflow that leads to the issue:

Place a thumbnail into the same folder as the ISO (I make ISOs from the DVDs) with the same name (“.jpg” instead of “.iso”) at the size of 120x180.

Then start the WDTV Live and go through all the folders and ISOs to let the cache save the thumbnails onto the ISO icons.

Then rename all the JPGs to a “non”-media extension (I take “.jog”).

Now you have the thumbnails on the ISO icons and no JPG icons until the next “Hard Reset” (e.g. a disconnect from the power socket). If this happens, the cache is empty and you see the standard icons again.

At some point (I had around 100 ISOs saved) that “Caching” procedure froze the WDTV Live completely  so only a “Hard Reset” brought it back to “live” :wink:. And it’s reproduceable (means - it happens now all the time so I had to say “Good Bye” to the useage of thumbnails) …

I guess it’s some kind of a memory issue … maybe I’m wrong.

I think the caching is no longer needed, if the “Don’t show thumbnails of JPGs in video folders on network shares.” issue is fixed, but you might have to look at it anyway.

Oh, I forgot:

Firmware-Version: 1.02.21


This sounds like the same problem:

Thanks - I think you’re right.

But, boy - 1050 Sub-Folders and 3 WDTVs - this guy has a helluva(n) entertainment unit … and surely too much time … :wink:

I have exact same problem I have two WD TV LIVE connected to my server. Server has three main folders for movies:" Kids G", “PG”, “R Rated”. Each has about 200 sub folders. subfolders typically have “folder.jpg” and movie.iso or movie.mkv.

I am getting crashes all the time now on both my WD TV Lives when scrolling, even slowly, through any of those folders.

This is new with the new firmware. WD locks up and only pulling power from it fixes it… For troubleshooting I have removed all folder.jpg within the subfolders and get no freezes. I then checked all folder.jpg files for jpg compliance, corruption etc. They are all perfect according to PS, and all 120x180. Put them back and WD regularly locks up/crashes again (at least once per day)

I am getting these crashes not with 1080 folders or jpgs or folders but with about 600 “folder.jpg” that are in 600 subfolders spread out among 3 folders on a network share (WHS).