Thumb drive got clobbered, very weird, non obvious problem

Weird stuff with a thumb drive

I have a brand-new Sandisk 64 GB Ultra thumb drive.

On my Windows 10 machine, I started to do a system backup. I inserted the drive into the machine and it showed up as I:.

I started RECOVERY, then at some point clicked CANCEL on the window that opened.

I then used “Safely remove hardware and eject media” to remove the drive.

Now, when I plug this thumb drive into the same physical port on my Windows 10 computer, the control panel recognizes it as “Ultra Backup”, but File Explorer does not recognize it. File Explorer on my Windows XP machine also does not recognize the drive. That tells me this is NOT a registry problem.

When I click HARDWARE AND SOUND in control panel, the device shows up as “Ultra Backup”. When I right click that icon, then click PROPERTIES, I get a box that says “Ultra Backup Properties”. The info in that box says “Manufacturer unavailable”, and shows the model as “Ultra Backup”. The Hardware tab in this box says the device is working normally.

I had a lengthy online chat with support at Sandisk. Ultimately the second-level support person suggested that I re-install the USB drivers. I replied that that was a ridiculous solution since every other thumb drive I have, works perfectly.

My guess about this problem is that somehow, software has managed to corrupt the drive in a particularly sneaky, difficult way.

Can you tell me what’s going on here?

I cannot be the only person having a problem of this type.

Hello Techy999,

If you already contacted SanDisk support. Then you may try posting this on SanDisk Forums or ask the support for warranty.

I had a CHAT with 2 Sandisk support people. It was horrible. The first
fellow I chatted with didn’t fully understand what my problem was, despite
a clear statement of the problem, so I asked him to please refer me to the
next level up.

The fellow at the next level up suggested that I re-install the
drivers–even after I told him that other USB drives worked fine, thus
indicating that no re-installation of drivers was necessary.

Bottom line: I have learned that Sandisk tech support is literally worse
than worthless–worse, because it is a waste of my time.

I will find answers elsewhere, where the people I am talking to speak
English and have actual technical knowledge.