Three XML questions

The 1st thing to know …  (and also, this has never been fixed)

To support a common set of environment variables in different browseStatus: Acknowledged
by AlexSSS on 06-03-2011 07:12 AM

It is  feature to help theme developers.

To support a common set of environment variables in different browse (rv_gallery_browse_page.xml, rv_list_browse_page.xml etc.)

now in different browse available different variables.
For example, now variables
@@filesize, @@filetype, @@filegener available only rv_preview_browse_page.hml
@@year, @@genre, @@director is only available in rv_gallery_browse_page.xml

Status: Acknowledged

Thanks for the input. This is very valuable feedback. This happened as different engineers wrote the code in different section. We will keep this in mind and avoid this from happening in the future.


So, now to answer your questions …

  1. That’s how “Gallery View” was engineered in firmware (silly, i know)

“Info View”  ie. Option > View Info was engineered by a different team (it seems), because in that view you can use whatever date formatting you like and it works.  eg. 3rd Sept 1999  *displays fine*

  1. No that’s not possible  (firmware controlled)

  2. Lastly, that’s how it was engineered  (firmware controlled)

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