Three XML questions

I’ve made a few minor mods to the Mochi theme to get rid of some of the things that irritated me.  I’m almost there, but a few questons remain:

  1. For the “year” information in the XML of a video file, you have to enter the date in yyyy-mm-dd format, but WDTV then displays it onscreen in the GUI in American format, i.e. yyyy/dd/mm.  For those of us outside the USA, this is really irritating, not to mention confusing (is 1996/03/11 the 11th March or 3rd November??).  Can the XML file for the “Gallery” view (and other any view that uses the year info) be changed so that dates are displayed in either yyyy-mm-dd format, or dd-mm-yyyy format, or even better, just month and year (e.g “March 1996”)?

  2. Is it possible to add custom XML fields to a video file XML, and change the XML of the “Gallery” view (etc) to display that custom field?  For example, I have a lot of music videos with individual files by the one artist in a single folder.  The folder has the name of the artist, and the files are the name of the song.  But it would be nice to add an “” field to the XML video file of a song so that the artist name appears in “Gallery” view.

  3. I’ve noticed that with “Media Library” turned off, the only view which looks at the XML files is “Gallery” view - it replaces the filename of the video file with the title contained in the XML (after a short delay - if you are quick you can see the filename for a fraction of a second before it is replaced with the XML ).  All the other views simply show the filename (including extension).  Turning the “Media Library” on makes all views use the in the XML, not just Gallery.  Is this a “bug” or a “feature”?

Thanks for any assisance…

The 1st thing to know …  (and also, this has never been fixed)

To support a common set of environment variables in different browseStatus: Acknowledged
by AlexSSS on 06-03-2011 07:12 AM

It is  feature to help theme developers.

To support a common set of environment variables in different browse (rv_gallery_browse_page.xml, rv_list_browse_page.xml etc.)

now in different browse available different variables.
For example, now variables
@@filesize, @@filetype, @@filegener available only rv_preview_browse_page.hml
@@year, @@genre, @@director is only available in rv_gallery_browse_page.xml

Status: Acknowledged

Thanks for the input. This is very valuable feedback. This happened as different engineers wrote the code in different section. We will keep this in mind and avoid this from happening in the future.


So, now to answer your questions …

  1. That’s how “Gallery View” was engineered in firmware (silly, i know)

“Info View”  ie. Option > View Info was engineered by a different team (it seems), because in that view you can use whatever date formatting you like and it works.  eg. 3rd Sept 1999  *displays fine*

  1. No that’s not possible  (firmware controlled)

  2. Lastly, that’s how it was engineered  (firmware controlled)

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Thanks for the reply - shame these things are hard-coded in the firmware.  Even if WD SMP would accept the year by itself “2014” as a date would be an improvement, but no, if you don’t enter an exact date in the format “yyyy-mm-dd” then the GUI shows “N/A” against “Date”  in Browser view.

I agree, it would be easier if SMP treated the date field as text, rather than trying to parse it, and used it the same way regardless of view.

beejay wrote:

Thanks for the reply - shame these things are hard-coded in the firmware.  Even if WD SMP would accept the year by itself “2014” as a date would be an improvement, but no, if you don’t enter an exact date in the format “yyyy-mm-dd” then the GUI shows “N/A” against “Date”  in Browser view.


I agree, it would be easier if SMP treated the date field as text, rather than trying to parse it, and used it the same way regardless of view.


Absolutely agree 100% with all you said …

I  (and other Themer VIP’s)  have tried raising this issue at a higher level a few times …

But unfortunately it looks like a case of “what’s done is done” … But they’ll try not to let it happen again  :confounded: