Thinking of going NAS

Hello Everyone!

I currently own a WDTV Live Hub and SMP which I love!   I currently own a  3tb external drive and I’m quickly running out of space.    So, I decided that NAS may be the way to go for me.   I have a couple of questions.

Does the hub see all of your storage as one large drive (4 -2TBs)?

I plan on using a wired gigabit network are there any known issues here, like movie art, 1080p playback?


Does the hub see all of your storage as one large drive (4 -2TBs)?

It CAN, but it depends on how you have your NAS configured.

Gotcha!  You have a awesome NAS setup!  24TBs…amazing!  Any documentation out there on how to go about this with the Hub or is it your standard single volume NAS setup?

As always Bro…thanks for your help on the forums!  It is much appreciated!

My NAS is a combination of:

   2  4-bay units,  One configured as RAID5, the other as RAID0.

   1  2-bay unit, configured RAID0.

   1  1-bay unit, non-RAID.

Each has multiple user accounts, and many shared volumes.