Theme help plz

So i finally got around to start making my own theme and i need a little help dont have screens sorry, I am working on gallery view and my focus frame stops at the middle poster well no.5 out of ten but from time to time it starts scrolling again util it comes back to poster 5. what to do? 

and what is the best why to have a centered text at the top I Have mine at x 500 and left aligned but if i set it to center it seem to go way off ? 

Hope you profs can help ! 


my focus frame stops at the middle poster well no.5 out of ten but from time to time it starts scrolling again util it comes back to poster 5.

There is no way to permanently lock it to position 5.   ie The Firmware controls the focused frame/thumb position… it  will move at the beginning of your thumbs until it reaches pos5 and stay there until you reach the end of your movies and it will move to the end.

“Works as WD Intended”… and you cant change it.

and what is the best why to have a centered text at the top I Have mine at x 500 and left aligned but if i set it to center it seem to go way off ?

It’s up to you to tinker with it to suit your needs… but you can always have a look at other themes xml code to get an idea.

Just an Example:

<text x=“194” y=“630” w=“900” h=“46” text=“@@browse_text” fontsize=“42” textcolor=“0xffffff” align=“hcenter” speed=“1” delay=“2” />

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thanks for the help its amazing how fast it comes in here

I hope it help i write here instead of creating a new thread again 

could someone plz explain in detail how i would go about disableing weather in the different wievs I have tryed myself but my understanding of the xml´s is still almost none existing and i cant seem to get the @@disable correct


(delete the code in Yellow)

<?xml version="1.0"?>                **<include filename="./inc_weather.xml" />**     

Joey my man Your awesome :laughing: Thanks

this line is confusing looks like it is active and disabled at the same time?

<image image=“thumb_folder_icon://th6” default_image=“@@thumb_folder_6_default_image” x=“1023” active=“@@act-browselist-6” disable=“@@folder_disable_6”/>

In regards to scale pan/fixratio if i use pan it crops some at the top and the smaller ones it makes the correct size but fixratio dosent to anything for smaller images ? 

p.s thanks for all the help

pp.s I have read Tinwarbles guide but have found some contradicting post even from him so im more confused 

Hope you can help yet again