Theme: GoodBye Black Mamba (LinkSheet) Updated Dec 14th

I suppose I should have mentioned that I am using KAD79’s Firmware and GBBM (Goodbye Black Mamba) theme.  I believe on what is being called a Gen4 WD TV.  Everything seems to work perfectly on it.

First of all I get confused and don’t really know what the difference is between Linksheets and Movesheets.  They appear to be used interchangeablely in the forums.

Scratch that… I just found a post that explains it all  Moviesheets-Vs-Linksheets.  Oh what a suprise, the post was made by you.  Hold on while I go click the star. . . .  Ok, I’m back.

So, I’m using Linksheets exactly as you described in this post.  In fact your post is probably where I learned how to do it.  I like that linksheets show up instantly and are available for files AND folders.  Much of my artwork is for the organizing folders too.  I don’t want to give that up so I suppose Moviesheets are out.

OH!  I have an idea!   Is it possible to use both Linksheets and Moviesheets?  Linksheets for the folders and Moviesheets for the acutal media files.  Only having the folder Linksheets in the .theme folder and having Moviesheets for the media files on the network shared drive might work. I would just have something like 400 files in the .theme folder instead of 10,000.

The only thing I don’t know about now is what is in that Tomorrowland.xml file that makes the Moviesheets work.  I’m off to search for the answer.  I’m sure you have posted it somewhere before.

Thanks JoeySmyth!