The honeymoon is over, time to settle down with my 8TB cloud pair

My honeymoon is over also. The gen2 device causes my video streaming to freeze when the network cable is connected. System ran fine during the day. But when I started to stream video
from my DNS-323 NAS or Netflix. It would start up play for a few seconds then stop. When I disconnected the cable the led turned red. Put the cable back and the led turned blue. Nice of them to switch the led colors. They definitely don’t use the colors in the script on the Gen2. I did find out that the Gen2 is different than the busybox on my DNS-323. They seem to use a program called xmldbc to generate xml files to configure the device.
I don’t have the time to try to learn this device. Since I can’t work with the device at night. I don’t have time during the day. To big of a honeydew list.
I was able to copy the busybox executable to the Gen1 device. Did a busybox --help which displayed the help data. But when I copied a gen1 file to the gen2 it would not work. I also tried to copy a standard debian file to the gen2 and it also didn’t work.
I think the best thing for me is to return it to Best Buy tomorrow.