
I note when syncing files and checking the Activity tab, that some files are designated with a prefix ~syncthing~ and have zero file size. I relate this to closing my host device (PC) whilst syncing is in operation and the MyCloud Home device not completing the individual file sync.

What I don’t know is:

  1. Will MyCloud Home eventually pick up the sync of this file in full and overwrite the prefixed file name in the correct folder etc; or,
  2. Create a new file altogether with correct name and file extension in the correct folder; or,
  3. Never sync this file

If the file with ~syncthing~ prefix remains, regardless of any option above, is there a way to do a Boolean type search for all such files on the device (into one list) and then to be able to delete them. I know they are zero size but - it is a form of clutter on the disk drive??

Any help appreciated.

@kloughlin we’ve forward your questions to our engineering team.


Files with ~syncthing~ prefix are temporary files.
Desktop Sync never writes directly to a destination file, but instead, all changes are made to a temporary copy which
is then moved in place over the old version.

If an error occurs during the copying or syncing, such as a necessary block not being available,
the temporary file is kept around for up to a day. This is to avoid needlessly requesting data over the network.

Sync doesn’t process zero byte file and it’s fine to delete them manually since they are temporary copies.