Syncing my music to the NAS with rsync

As i add and delete media from my personal laptop’s iTunes library, i would like to have those changes automatically updated to the nas when I am home.

that being said the best option i have scene so far is to rsync the folders so that i dont have to manually add and delete content to the das or upload the entire folder everytime my music selection changes.

rsync -zr --delete --progress /Users/jeremyforan/Music/iTunes/iTunes\ Media/Music/ root@

isthisthebestwaytoaccomplishmy goals?

it look good as any solution that I’ve seen.

I had intended the same to use rsync my MyCloud to the connected USB MyBook 

You might want to add --size-only  and -a for archive, preserves all attributes. The --size-only compare files based on their size instead of hashes (less cpu and faster)

and test it out by using --dry-run :stuck_out_tongue:

why would i want to persrve attributes if the account on my system is “wifiguys computer”  and im accessing the das with “root”?

jeremyforan wrote:

why would i want to persrve attributes if the account on my system is “wifiguys computer”  and im accessing the das with “root”?

if you don’t preserve the permissions, the new permissions would be root of the nas or whomever is doing the rsync’ing thereby the copy will be only accessible to your rsync root. plus you want to preserve the timestamps since you want an exact copy of the files that you backedup.

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