WD went to a lot of touble to make backing up between My Cloud devices really simple and robust.
But I am paranoid for a living and I won’t put sensitive data into a public cloud.
I did some digging around and found that rsync is native to My Cloud’s Debian build.
I came up with a fairly simple backup script.
I use it to backup over OpenVPN, where the data source and destination are on different network subnets.
I made a Backup script to mount the remote share → perform rsync → unmount the share
Assuming your share name is mydata and your source data is at
Run the following command
mkdir /mnt/mydata
save the following as /usr/local/backupmydata
mount -t cifs -o username=nobody,password= /mnt/mydata
rsync -az /mnt/mydata/ /DataVolume/shares/mydata/
umount /mnt/mydata
next change your script permission, so it is executable
Run the following command
chmod 777 /usr/local/backupmydata
Next Create the cron job
Run the following command
echo 00 19 * * * root /usr/local/backupmydata > /etc/cron.d/backupmydata
(this runs the backupmydata script at 19:00 hours each night)
That last step could also be accomplished by running
nano /etc/cron.d/backupmydata
and inserting the following line into the file
00 19 * * * root /usr/local/backupmydata
I don’t know if I had to reboot afterward but I did.
I got the Cron edit info from this post
edit: removed unneeded comments, corrected script typo, added alt method to create cron file