Strange video streaming issue

Hopefully someone can help with my very very weird issue i am  having…

Ok firstly my setup used to be as follows and had been working fine up until i made a change to my network configuration.

Adsl modem with a small 5 port gigabit switch plugged into it,  then wd my cloud plugged into the same switch. Then ethernet cable going to ethernet over power device in wall. Comes out in my lounge room to a wireless access point. I have two WD TV Live streaming players connected wirelessly to this router in different rooms. I had been streaming through the Twonky media server of the wd my cloud without any issues at all. Even streaming HD video files fine.

I have since changed my configuration getting ready for our NBN install ( getting some ethernet ports installed around the house soon ) I moved my wd my cloud from my study and plugged it into my loungeroom wireless access point. At the time i thought this would improve my speeds since its plugged straight into my wireless acesspoint now rather than sitting on the other side of ethernet over power devices that were only connecting at around 100Mbps.

Now when i am streaming video it pauses randomly then fast forwards and catches up. I  have tried changing to the windows share option through WD TV Live and it does the same thing.

The wireless access point is not set up as a router its only an access point, my adsl modem is acting as the DHCP server and handles all router requirements.

My whole network has been set up with MAC Address reservation so all my devices always get the same IP address without having to set up static IP’s on all my devices.

I am at a loss to how i am now having video streaming issues when i thought i would be being better off by moving to ethernet. My WD TV Live in the lounge is also now plugged in ethernet in the same switch that the WD My Cloud is in and i am still getting the video streaming issues even though everything is ethernet and no more wireless !!!

Its beyond me to how i had no issues when i was wireless with slower speeds, and now ethernet is causing my grief!!

Hope someone has an idea because i am going insane trying to figure this one out ! I thought maybe my WD TV Live had gone bad but since its happening to both my WD TV Live units i figure its a network issue somewhere. I am thinking of down grading the firmwares on both units. They  have the latest firmware installed.

I’ve found this problem too, but it seems it’s more to do with your video output than the network.

In your setup options, go to Audio/Video output, you’ll probably find your video output is set to HDMI auto - change it to the highest quality output eg 1080p 24Hz or 1080p 60Hz. This will probably solve the issue for you.

However, it appears to me that sometimes the WDTV will default to HDMI auto after a restart of the device, can be very frustrating!

Hope this helps


Unfortunately that didnt help. I think its a wd tv live issue because videos stream fine using my xbox one streaming using dlna from my wd my cloud.

It must be a switch that has poor packet buffering capability.  See if this gets your anywhere…