Storage issue please help

Hello all,

If I’m posting this wrong I’m sorry just need to figure this out.
I have a WD device that had 4 WD red drives in it with the mirroring raid. Basically taking 2 discs and mirroring them across all 4 discs. I cant remember the raid number sorry.

To make a long story short, the drives were pulled from the NAS device when it was off. The drives are now plugged into a drive reader on a different PC.

I’ve tried to use the recalime software to recover and view the files with no success. Is there a way I can view these old drives that were pulled? I need quite a few files on them and theres probably about 6000 GB of files on them.

The NAS has new drives in it that were already formatted so these 2 drives, I would assume, cant be put back in to view the files.

Any help is appreciated.

Still awaiting any response if this is possible.

My suggestion is to figure out which device you own then go back to the community and post this in the sub-forum for that device. Use links below to see WD devices.