Stop/abort uploading via Android app to MyCould

Hi. I started to upload my photos to my MyCloud using the android app. Now i want to stop the uploading process and couldnt find any option in the app nor in the admin portal to enable me to do so. I tried to deleted the destination folder and couldnt. I tried to restart the phone and it only paused the upload.

Please help.


What phone/android device are you using?

My phone is a Samsung Galaxy S6 and in the My Cloud app under Settings is Back up options. I would uncheck Camera back up if I wanted to stop mine.

There are prior topics/post with images about this.

I am using OnePlus 3. The upload is a manual upload and not the a backup process. I searched thru the topics and only found about the backup. What i am looking for is different.

So from the folders i have in the MyCloud App, I selected “Upload”, then “SD card (All files)”, then i choose the files i want to upload. The issue is that I cannot stop the upload process or cancel it.

Any idea?

I don’t recognise the steps you are describing. I cannot find options like that in the Android WD Mobile app. Can you post screenshots?

Here are the screenshots.


Right. You’re trying to upload to WhatsApp.

Try using the ‘Activity’ item on the side menu. You might be able to delete the activity in question.