Status: Acknowledged

Well, it looks like any idea you post from now on get automatic Status: Acknowledged.  So really this means nothing.

Check out the new idea for “Thread for rating alternate media players”.

Hard to believe this was looked at, Acknowledged and forwarded to the product team

That was what I was thinking when I wrote it more a test of the Status (ie Acknowledged, unplanned, planned) system then anything else. This forum may as well not be tied to WDC at all, they seem to ignore its existance anyhow.


The Ideas are currently in review by the Product Team. Please see this post for more info:



The point of this post was to show that Acknowledged is just a auto response and really does not mean the idea was forwarded to the product team. Are we to believe that this idea “Thread for rating alternate media players” was forwarded to the product team as it has been Acknowledged?

Looks like this topic has now been moved to a black hole of general feedback and will be lost forever.

WendyM wrote:

The Ideas are currently in review by the Product Team. Please see this post for more info:



His point was, that he doesn’t believe you are telling the truth.