[SOLVED] My Cloud Mirror Gen2 won't wake up manually

I have scheduled some sleep routines but My Cloud Mirror Gen2 won’t wake up properly.

Also, I don’t know how to wake up manually. I always have to reboot it to work!
I have only a Linux box (Ubuntu 16.04), so please help me. How can I wake this thing up?

Second issue is I still cannot turn the annoying LEDS OFF!!

I am using My Cloud Mirror Gen2 (Firmware version 2.21.119)

What’s your power schedule?
I have Mirror Gen2 2.21.119, PR2100 and EX2 and they all power off at 10 PM M-F and power on at 8 AM M-F for the past few months. All are connected to the same surge protector, network switch and site side by side of each other.

Doesn’t matter how is the power schedule. It should wake up if the user needs to access! How can I make it wake manually (using linux)? How many minutes it takes to wake? However, my power scheduling sleep on Monday to Friday at whole morning and Saturday-Sunday at 2am to 10am. Actually, this is working however sometimes I need to use it when it is sleeping but I can wake it up without removing the power cord. Do you know some way to do that?

I managed to make it work with a Wake-On-Lan app on android. Good, now I know how to do it anywhere it is just to look for Wake-On-Lan softwares.

Please mention name of the app you used

Wake On Lan (from Mike Webb)