[SOLVED] My Book Live single Drive


Has anyone been able to retrofit a 2.5 HDD or SSD into the case? If so, how did you do it?

The original 2TB 3.5 HDD finally died but want to replace it with a 2.5 SSD.

I would think using the instructions for replacing the original drive would work. I would stay with the original size. The 2.5 SSD could probably be secured inside the case with a piece of Velcro or double sided tape. If I still had mine I would try it. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Yes, I did recover it using Guide Debrick #2, a lot easier using the image file.
See my comments in Guide #2 and #1.
I also managed to get it running with OpenWRT, which might be my final OS.

The tricky part is the 4 holes for screws that exist under 3.5 drives. Most adapters/caddy trays do NOT have those but found one that did. Those 4 holes are how the board holds onto the drive.

The part was $7.19 USD, the link for Amazon USA is here

Great job! Innovative thinking gets the job done! congrats! Wish I still had my old My Book now!