SmartWare backup selection checkboxes uncheck themselves

Running the latest version of Smartware on Windows 10. I have several folders selected in the tree view on the left and everything seems to run fine for a few days. Then randomly I will open Smartware and notice that NOTHING is checked, and I can’t re-check anything. Clicking a checkbox does nothing… nothing happens… no mark is put in the checkbox.

The logs are full of errors that talk about trying to access a drive that is not available. There is only ONE drive in the computer. But this might be unrelated because the same errors exist on another computer where Smartware still seems to be running normally.

Also, every time I reboot, Smartware forgets that I have a pro subscription and I have to re-do the process.

Last time this happened I had to uninstall/reinstall. I’m not interested in doing that this time. This is backup software… it is critically important to people and I want to know what the problem is, why it’s happening, and how to fix it. If WD can’t help then I’ll remove it and use better software that actually works.

EDIT: Now all the checkmarks are back, but I still can’t select or deselect anything. Nothing happens when I click on a checkbox in the tree view.


I would recommend that you contact WD Support:

I have. If I’m lucky they might respond. The fact that there are thousands
of similar complaints from people all over the internet makes one wonder
why they don’t just fix this disastrous joke of an application once and for

I don’t see a recent case number for this. Are you referring to a recent case?

Here it is: [removed for privacy]

Got it thanks.