Sleep Timer App for WD TV

Hi there,

i just wanted to tell you that there is a new app on Google Play that adds the missing Sleep-Timer functionality to your WD TV device! If you are also missing a Sleep-Timer like i was missing it you should just give it a try!

Best regards

Please bear in mind this is not an official or WD-endorsed or supported app.

Hi Martin,

Can you please elaborate how to install this on a WDTV Live? I haven’t found any option to install apps on the WDTV Live (yet). Also, if I search for ‘bauchschuss_deluxe’, I do not find much. I have the latest version of firmware installed: 1.06.43_V.

I would be very interested in an auto sleep function!

Kind regards,

It’s Android App … you install it on an Android Device

if you read the Google Playstore description …

To use the WD TV Sleep Timer your smartphone or tablet must reside in the same network as your WD TV device. It doesn’t matter if your media player is connected via WIFI or ethernet cable. If it is possible for your smartphone to connect to the WD TV device and a sleep timer is started, the Sleep Timer application can also run in the background and it will even turn off the media player if it is in standby mode.

Thanks, it works. :slight_smile:

At first, I thought it needed to be installed on the WDTV itself, but thanks to your addition, I got it working now on my Android tablet. :slight_smile: