
Hello, I am new cloud user. I want to back up my 2 laptops (windows) and I need to set size in share folders in order to have some space for additional files to back up. Does anyone know how can I do that???

You cannot set quotas with MyCloud.

Not possible with the single bay My Cloud units. It is a question that comes up from time to time. There is even a request in the Cloud Ideas for this option.

Theoretically it can be done. It will void your warranty to make the changes needed.

It is not something easy to implement though, not for the novice, and will work on the underlying filesystem, not with SAMBA.

I can confirm that [quotaon], [quotacheck] and [repquota] exist as commands on a gen2, and seem to work. [edquota] is missing, as is [quota]. This means you will have to manually create and maintain quota files using the built-in editor [vi]. Existence of repquota might allow you to set a cron job to alert you if a user has gone over the quota limit, but sendmail is not present on my gen2. Some enterprising people in the EX2 community figured out that you can use phpmailer to send emails with bash commands though.

At least on my Gen 2, userquota and groupquota are turned on as mount options for the persistent volume. This means they (WD) turned on the underlying FS support, but just arent putting it to use. Judicious use of [mount -o bind] on a non-shared folder, at an empty mount point using a user script, that passes mount options to turn on user quotas, with appropriate quota files, might give you what you want. (On a Gen1, just make appropriate pokes at /etc/fstab)

By setting linux FS quotas on the underlying file system samba gives access to (assuming samba is configured for the linux user accounts you set the quotas on…) you will effectively get what you want.

If you are not good at linux-fu, need to retain your warranty, or have vital data on your mycloud, DO NOT ATTEMPT.

If you choose to embark down that path on your own anyway, by all means, tell us how it goes-- but it is NOT a supported configuration, and I would not be surprised if there are un-forseen issues trying it.

I am now tempted to try turning it on (I have long since voided my warranty) and seeing if I can make it work with the stock firmware using something like fun-plug. (Since hey, I managed to get iscsi turned on, and all that jazz.)

one small note. quotaoff is a symbolic link to quotaon.

Just noticed that the quota source is in the My Cloud GPL source under the Open_Source_packages folder.

Intriguing, but I dont think I actually need it. I am quite handy with vi these days, and can create the needed quota files from scratch.

quotaon seems to be able to turn quota management on and off, and repquota does actually report on how many inodes are used by each user.

If I were to try baking something for the gen2, it would probably be static sendmail, to avoid having to use web-server based kluges to send reports when a user goes over. (Even though sendmail is rather well known for its… deficiencies.)

I really think I will try this as a proof of concept, then make a write up. Just not tonight.