Rss feeds

i tried some local american papers, and while the first few sentences appear, trying to click on Next Page results in some error about file not supported. sigh.

any rss feeds that work for the major american newspapers?

I’m afraid I can’t help you, @kirkham - I was just about to post a similar request. I wish somebody could post a guide on how to find and enter RSS feeds into the WDTV Live. The manual is very skimpy on the subject, it just says to enter the URL for the feed. Does anybody have a list of feeds that work on the Live?

I’m not american, but some feeds do seem to work better than others.

The next page button really only seems to be intended for rss posts that are longer than the screen can display, which probably isn’t the best design choice since you then have to go one-by-one into each rss post through the main RSS menu, back out and go into the next.

But apart from that, I’ve had no real major issues with my RSS feeds. The ticker is working nicely and RSS feeds with imbedded images show up beautifully. In my screen, the posts seem to be able to display about eight lines of text by the looks of it. Most of us should automatically be signed up for the WD TV feeds so if you use that as a tester, the content is long enough that you can check out the next page function. It works for me, but again, it only moves you to the next page of content rather than the next post.

To jschall, one thing I would recommend is not even trying to enter urls through the player itself. Typing a long url through your remote is painful. If you have a smartphone, you can download the remote app which makes it a little easier (you can cut and paste) but the simplest way of all is to do it through your device’s IP portal (I’ve attached a screenshot). You can then type in RSS feeds to your heart’s content.

As far as where to find them? They’re everywhere and I think most will work just fine. Here’s an example list:

Basically, you just copy the link to the one you want to subscribe to and plug it in through one of the three methods (via remote, via phone app, or IP portal).

“” you can download the remote app which makes it a little easier (you can cut and paste) but the simplest way of all is to do it through your device’s IP portal (I’ve attached a screenshot). You can then type in RSS feeds to your heart’s content.“”

where can i download the remote app?

your image didn’t attach showing the IP portal.  can you repost?

thanks, kirkham

Yeah, @outburst, what’s an ‘‘IP portal’’?

I use the Android ‘‘WD Remote’’ app for entering text on the TV screen - either that or my Bluetooth keyboard/mouse.

Maybe you are referring to the Web interface? I didn’t know I could use it to type to the SMP!

Thanks for the NYT link!

A minor correction to @outburst’s RSS URL link to the New York Times: for the Global edition or for the U.S. edition.

Thanks again, @outburst!

Here are some feeds I have found, to add to the New York Times feeds linked by @outburst:

I am not very impressed so far with the way the RSS Feeds work. I only get the very top level headline and a two-line introduction. Is there any way to link to the full stories?

Yes, I I think I meant web interface (I’m not entirely knowledgeable about the right terminology with these functions yet, sorry). :smiley: