Restore out-of-box settings/XBOX360 does not recognize

I would appreciate any help possible because in this day and age of computers I am probably the most computer illiterate 28yo in the world.

I had a friend install my My Passport Elite but I am not able to use the password feature and the storage lights don’t light up.  How do I clear everything off and restore it to the original settings?

If you are not able to use the password and the lights don’t light up, then almost certainly the SES driver is not properly installed.

SES Driver:

32-bit Download

32-bit Instructions

64-bit Download

64-bit Instructions

I’m pretty sure getting everything else reformatted and put back won’t do you much good, however.  With the exception of the Passport AV , none of the Passports will work with the XBOX360, as far as I know.

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Thanks I wasn’t sure if it was usable with XBox.
