Resolved **led stuck on yellow** assigned static IP

Was working fine last night then we had a trip in the power to the house.

Now when I power on it goes through blue to solid yellow and never further.

Ethernet is blinking.

I can ping it.

I get no reaction when i try pressing the reset button for up to 10 seconds.

I see the login page with ip typed into web browser. Type in wrong pass it tells you - type in correct it clears the textbox but goes nowhere but it does not say incorrect.

Can you reset with no hard disks installed?

Wd quick view sees it.

Shows healthy raid

No temp

Still can not access interface

Can put to sleep via quick view though.

Is there a way to reload firmware without pc? Since i can not get to software interface.

Hi there and welcome to the WD community.

Try to do a reset on the unit by pressing the hole shaped button on the back for 3 to 5 seconds, the hole should be on top of the Ethernet port you can use a paperclip or a pin.

If this does not help out i recommend contacting support: