Remove Fan Art?

I hate the way the fan art obscures the movie description.  Is there any way to just have a black background, no fan art?

I’ve tried using Thumbgen but it’s really overkill for me.  I’m happy with the stock covers and descriptions,  I just hate it when the fan art pops up (twice!) and makes it difficult to read anything in the forground.

You should be able to edit the .xml files to remove the backdrop info and delete the existing .backdrop directories–though I haven’t personally tried this.  How easy this is for you to do will depend on your technical expertise, where the above info is stored, and how many movies/shows we are talking about.  Editing many .xml files would be a big pain, so having a simple script to remove the backdrop data would be desirable.  Not a big deal–if you know how to program.

I remove the backdrops all the time and it only takes a few seconds for hundreds of files :smiley:

There’s plenty of programs that will do it … but my fav / simplest one is " textrep"

a “2 step” procedure (follow the pics below exactly … change the path to your movies of course.)

click “Start” for Step1 … then “Start” again for Step 2 to complete the procedure.

P.S. Sure, you can theme edit to remove backdrops … but removing the backdrop tags from the xml’s has the benefit of faster navigation speed .