Remove duplicated and organize your folders

Hello everyone.

I need a help. My wife needed to reset her phone. After she did that, her phone was renamed and, when installing the “My Cloud” app again, all photos started to be synchronized again (nothing new). After all photos were sync, the app gave her an option to remove the duplicated pictures and organize the folders. That was fantastic since it did automatically what I have been looking for for years.
I just selected the folders and it did it auto. Removed all duplicated pictures and moved all not suplicated to one folder only. Great.

So, I wanted to do the same for mine since I know that I have a lot of duplicated photos in diff. folders due to change of iphone name, but I cannot def. find where to select this auto organize that the app can offer. In the two pictures, one shows this option at the bottom (“Toque oara remover duplicatas e organiar suas pastas de backup”) and the other does not (mine). I have done everything and I just don’t get that option in my mobile. I have even logged with my account in her mobile and the option disappears. When she log again, if appears.

Does anyone knows HOW I can do that in my profile? I really need this auto organizer but, I don’t know where to find it.


Hi @zecavalieri,

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

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Thanks. I will try that.