'Remedy' for MAC CNID and TM problem!

When MBL signals a CNID-DB error it sets both, the ‘normal’ shares and the separate backup share to read only. After this no more files can be copied to the regular shares (read-only) and Time Machine will not be able to do any further backup.

This is what worked on my System (MacBook Pro with 10.6.8) to get MBL back to work after an CIDB error (use at your own risk!):

  1. Disable automated TM backup.

  2. Enable ssh access to MBL (open  http://mybooklive.local/UI/ssh and and tick ’ SSH Access box’).

3. Open a terminal window and type or copy the following instructions to the terminal window: 

‘ssh -l root’ (< you will find the IP-Address at the MBL dashboard properties - something like - or use the URL as given in the dashboard window  - something like ‘mybooklive.local’> - you will have to provide the root password - that should be ‘welc0me’ if you did not change anything. (Please make sure to disable ssh afterwards or change the password.))

‘cd /shares’ (this navigates you towards the shares)

‘ls -al’ (this lists the shares (directories))

‘cd ’

‘ls -al’  (this lists the files and directories in the share - an ‘.AppleDB’ should be there)

‘mv .AppleDB .AppleDB.old’ (this renames the directories, such that the system will not find them any more. ‘rm -r .AppleDB’  also is an option, however, this will delete the directories and you will not be able to recover the old files in case you need to return to a previous system state).

‘mv .AppleDesktop .AppleDesktop.old’ (not sure if this is necessary)

‘mv .AppleDouble .AppleDouble.old’ (not sure if this is necessary)

Do this for all shares that are affected (‘cd …’ will move you up one level / back in the directory structure, ‘ls -al’ will list files and directories).  

(this one, as posted earlier may work as well "ssh root@mybooklive.local “/etc/init.d/netatalk stop ; rm -v /shares//.AppleDB/{.db;db_*} ; /etc/init.d/netatalk start”.)

After a restart, this should reset the respective shares to read/write mode. However, getting TM back to work requires to do so for the backup share as well:

‘cd /DataVolume/backup/TimeMachine’ (this navigates you to the folder for the TM backups)

‘ls -al’ (provides a list of all directories and files in that folder - you will recognize your TM backups)

‘mv .AppleDB .AppleDB.old’ (this renames the directories, such that the system will not find them any more.)

‘mv .AppleDesktop .AppleDesktop.old’ (not sure if this is necessary)

‘mv .AppleDouble .AppleDouble.old’ (not sure if this is necessary)


  1. Then restart MBL via dashboard. (‘Konsole’ in German)

  2. Then invoke TM preferences and restart TM. TM may be a little slow in the beginning …

@WD please provide a firmware update to avoid CNID errors in the first place.

Thanks for sharing this 

this should be helpful for other users