Reformat WD MY Book World edition 1

Can Anyone assist please, a few years ago I bought two 1tb drives as above for use with my PC, great drives. Now I have moved over to a mac, although I can back up to the drives ok, I can’t use them with time machine. My question is can I reformat the drives to Mac OS X journaled or is it a buy supported drives time which I can’t afford.

You shoud be able to reformat the drives for Mac. Just remember that will wipe out the data on that drive.


My Mac mini doesn’t see the drives when attached via the router or connected via Ethernet cable, any ideas please?

You can’t format the MBW because it’s a network drive, not USB. It uses a Linux file system called EXT3 to make it work over the network using SMB all systems. TM compatibility with the drive is firmware-based, not FS-based.

If you are using a blue rings MBW and your Mac is using a recent version of OSX like 10.8 or 10.9 then you’re out of luck. if you have the white light MBW then I don’t know if WD made an update to make it work with 10.9 since they have that drive on their legacy page.

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