Recycle Bin - trouble accessing - permissions

I’ve had the recycle bin on My Cloud EX2 Ultra enabled for a while. Never thought much about it until today, when something was accidentially deleted.

I have “Recycle Bin - Volume 1” but can’t get into it. Says I don’t have permission and to contact my network administator. I’ve tried to map it and logged in as admin. I’ve tried every user/password that is set up on my NAS drive (there are only 3). Nothing.

Anyone have a solution on how I can access the recycle bin? Under Shared, everything seems to be the way it should. I’m stumped.

Hi @stephanieanderson,

Please refer to the article Deleted Content Not in the My Cloud Share Recycle Bin:

If further assistance is needed, please open a case with our support team at the following:

OK I have the answer because I too had this problem… and found that using windows “map” command to the NAS will only pass the “Windows user id” to the WD NAS os and because windows uses Chrs that are NOT allowed ie…“@” “.” as in I found that if I created a windows user such as “admin” or “anonymous” or a user name in the NAS os, I could then map the “Recycle Bin - Volume 1” and access it. yes the NAS will NOT do upper case in the user name. and using the map , connect as has NO effect on login!
So go into windows users and ad a user that is ONLY local and Lowercase name, use it to login, open windows and in explorer network map the “Recycle Bin - Volume 1”
I hope this helps someone as I spent 5 hours hunting the #$%#$# bug down!